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Israel's 74th Independence Day

This time we will open with a riddle! Who am I? 

This is the first document published by the State of Israel. 

The document is not considered as al legal guide, but it presents the principles for the conduct of the state. 

The document describes the connection of the Jewish people with the Land of Israel (and no, it is not the Bible).

This happened 74 years ago, on Friday, April 15, 1948, at Dizengoff House at 16 Rothschild Boulevard in Tel Aviv in a modest ceremony attended by members of the People's Council and headed by David Ben-Gurion, head of the People's Council, and more. later the first prime minister of the State of Israel. In this moving ceremony, Ben Gurion announced the establishment of the State of Israel, and a constituent document was signed. The Declaration of Independence

From the document: "The State of Israel will be open to Jewish Aliyah and the melting pot of diasporas; strive for the development of the land for the benefit of all its inhabitants; will be based on the foundations of freedom, justice and peace throughout light of the vision of Israel's prophets; will uphold full social and political equality of rights for all its citizens, regardless of religion, race, and gender; guarantee freedom of religion, conscience, language, education, and culture; uphold the holy places of all religions; 

Later, in 1961, Ben-Gurion was asked what he would like to say to future generations who would read the document and replied: "I want you to know that national communes alone are not enough, the melting pot of diasporas must continue, and moral and human efforts must be made to be a people of virtue and light to the gentiles." (From an interview A. Wortman conducted with the signers of the Declaration of Independence in 1961)

Today, 74 years after the declaration of the State of Israel and 61 years to mark the words of David Ben-Gurion, we live in a free, democratic, and sovereign State. We need to continue to develop this relatively young country together and we have another way to go - but together, if we can join forces, and march in the light of Ben - Gurion's request, we will become a people of virtue and enlightenment to the Gentiles - today and in years to come.

Chag Haatzmaut Sameach!!