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100 Days of the Swords of Iron War


Today we mark 100 days since one of the worst events that happened to the Jewish nation since the establishment of the State of Israel.

The memories of the October 7th massacres will forever be engraved in us, a painful memory of the fragility of life and the purpose of our existence specifically here.

Today we mourn life that was lost and extend a hand to the bereaved families and the families of the hostages that continue to deal with an incomprehensible reality. Every day that our daughters and sons remain hostage is a day of great suffering for them and their families.

It is up to us, the global Zionist family to double our efforts to help our brave soldiers, to support the evacuated families, to embrace the bereaved families and the families of the hostages and to fight against antisemitism in all of its facets worldwide.

The World Zionist Organization joined the national effort from the first moment and continues to be at the forefront of action for the Jewish people.
