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Dr. Itzhak Dahan

Dr. Itzhak Dahan went on shlichut serving in Dor Hahemshech and Eastern France, managed the Department for Aliya in Montreal, Canada, and is the vice president of Dor Hahemshech and the Department of Spiritual Services in the Diaspora in the World Zionist Organization.

Dr. Dahan is a board member of the World Zionist Council and is an executive member of the National Community for Orthodox Synagogues.  A doctor of sociology, he has researched French Jewries immigration and is an expert in French Jewry. Additionally, he is a researcher of Jewish immigration from Eastern to Western countries, and a research fellow at the Institute for the Study of Jewish Communities at Bar Ilan University.
Dr. Dahan is married to Yael, a father of four, and a resident of Shoham.