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The Zionist calendar on your mobile!

The Zionist calendar synchronizes with the regular calendar on mobile devices.

The calendar marks significant historical events, dates of birth and death of prominent figures who helped shape the Zionist movement and the State of Israel, as well as dates from the Hebrew calendar.

You will find all sorts of events in it; happy events such as Maccabi Tel Aviv winning the European Cup, alongside difficult events such as the massacre of the athletes in Munich. Other significant events include the founding day of the Hebrew Gymnasium, the birthday of Chaim Guri, the day of the death of Achad Ha'am, the day of the announcement of the Balfour Declaration and more.
In addition, you can get details on each of the events by clicking on the name of the event.

The Zionist calendar gives expression to the Zionist mosaic on all of its levels.

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  • USA flag

    Download in English

    With a simple click you will get a calendar on your mobile phone, a variety of events and figures from the Zionist world, which shaped the landscape of our homeland
    Download Now
  • Spanish flag

    Descargar en español

    Con un simple clic, obtendr? un calendario en su tel?fono m?vil, una variedad de eventos y figuras del mundo sionista, que dieron forma al paisaje de nuestra patria
    Descargar ahora
  • French Flag

    Téléchargement en français

    Par un simple clic, les divers ?v?nements et personnalit?s du monde sioniste, qui ont fa?onn? le paysage de notre patrie, seront directement incorpor?s dans le calendrier de votre portable